Glow’s Post-Operative treatment is a gentle form of different techniques. The lymphatic massage increases blood flow and promotes recovery by targeting the lymphatic system. After surgery fluids can harden, which is often painful and it gives the area a lumpy uneven appearance. Our treatment prevents, treats and reduces the hardening of fluids. Glow by Vera customizes all post-op treatments to each individual client.

Why Lymphatic Drainage Is Important?


As the body’s sole source of natural cleansing, the lymphatic system gets rid of toxic fluids that can cause us to experience swelling and discomfort. Lymphatic drainage is an essential treatment pre surgery and even more crucial post surgery. A stagnant lymphatic system leads to a buildup of waste and toxins in the body. Those facing surgery greatly benefit from one to three sessions of manual lymphatic drainage prior to any procedure. Although not required, it is certainly recommended as this process drains toxins and stimulates the immune system before it is inhibited. These techniques make it easier for the surgeon to make an incision through clean, well-drained tissue especially in any kind of aesthetic surgery.

Does Fluid Actually Come Out Of My Body?


Yes, your body makes fluid in response to surgery and the buildup of that fluid causes pain, swelling, and scarring. The goal of drainage massage is to get that excess fluid out of your body for better healing.

Why Lymphatic Drainage Is Important?


Patients who had liposuction alone can start the day after surgery. For patients with tucks we suggest a few days after surgery.

How Many Sessions Do I Need To Best Heal?


Most patients will have two lymphatic drainage sessions per week for 4 weeks.

Can I Have A Lymphatic Massage Long After I Heal?


Yes, many plastic surgery patients switch from healing to tightening/toning massages for life as these sessions help tighten skin and keep the surgical areas tight and sculpted.

Does It Hurt?


Drainage is typically not painful, however, since the body is inflamed post-surgery you may feel some discomfort. In the end, we are confident the benefits of your drainage will outweigh any discomfort you may feel.

Can I Have Lymphatic Drainage Massage With A Drain In?

